fcft | | Simple library for font loading and glyph rasterization |
fcitx5-cskk | | SKK input method plugin for fcitx5 that uses LibCSKK |
fdm_materials | | FDM Material database |
feathercoin | | Open source Internet currency |
felt | | Free system for introductory level finite element analysis |
festvox-awb | | Scottish English male voice for the festival speech synthesis system |
festvox-bdl | | US English male voice for the festival speech synthesis system |
festvox-clb | | US English female voice for the festival speech synthesis system |
festvox-em | | Polish voice for the festival speech synthesis system |
festvox-hl | | Welsh voice for the festival speech synthesis system |
festvox-jmk | | Canadian English male voice for the festival speech synthesis system |
festvox-ks | | Polish voice for the festival speech synthesis system |
festvox-mv | | Finnish voice for the festival speech synthesis system |
festvox-rms | | US English male voice for the festival speech synthesis system |
festvox-slt | | US English female voice for the festival speech synthesis system |
festvox-tp | | Croatian male voice for the festival speech synthesis system |
fetchmail | | Batch mail retrieval/forwarding utility for pop2, pop3, apop, imap |
feynedit | | Tool for drawing Feynman diagrams |
feynhiggs | | Fortran code for the diagrammatic calculation of the masses |
ffmpeg-git | | Decoding, encoding and streaming software |
fftjet | | Multiresolution jet reconstruction in the Fourier domain |
fftw-mpich | | Collection of fast C routines to compute DFTs |
ffxvid | | Small script to encode to Xvid video |
fiche | | Command line pastebin for sharing terminal output |
fidocrypt-git | | U2F/FIDO-based key derivation and encapsulation |
filepp | | Generic file preprocessor |
filerunner | | Filemanager with FTP capabilities. Uses Tcl/Tk |
filevercmp | | Filevercmp function as in sort --version-sort |
fim | | Lightweight universal image viewer |
findugendev | | Command line tool to find the right /dev/ugenN.EE from USB device info |
firebird | | SQL database, opensource version of InterBase |
fireflysung-ttf | | AR PL New Sung TrueType fonts by Firefly |
firefox-hg | | Web browser with support for extensions (version 61) |
firefox-wrapper | | Firefox binary wrapper |
firefox102 | | Web browser with support for extensions (version 102ESR) |
firehose | | Super fast throughput over cheap ethernet |
fl_logbook | | FLTK-based amateur radio log book |
flag | | Frontend/wrapper for pkgsrc |
flam3-svn | | Cosmic Recursive Fractal Flames |
flameshot | | Powerful yet simple to use screenshot software |
flang | | Fortran compiler targeting LLVM |
flasm | | Flasm is a assembler/disassembler of Flash ActionScript bytecode |
fldiff | | Graphical diff program |
flexdock | | Swing windowing and docking framework |
flexdump | | Flexible backup tool |
FLIF | | Free Lossless Image Format |
FLIF-git | | Free Lossless Image Format |
flim | | Emacs lisp library for message representation/encoding |
flimp | | Generic GUI for image manipulation |
flimsel | | Fast Light Image Selector |
flint | | Fast Library for Number Theory |
flintqs | | Program using quadratic sieve to factor integers |
flite2 | | Small and fast run-time synthesis engine |
flnews-devel | | Fast and lightweight USENET newsreader with GUI |
flowblade | | Multitrack non-linear video editor |
flpsed | | Postscript and PDF annotator |
fltk11 | | Fast Light Tool Kit for graphical user interfaces (old 1.1 branch) |
fltk2 | | Fast Light Tool Kit for graphical user interfaces |
flux2 | | Continuous delivery solution for Kubernetes |
fluxspace | | Fluxbox workspace manager, environment |
flvmeta | | Metadata injector for FLV video files |
flwm | | The Fast, Light Window Manager |
flyback | | Backup software inspired by Apple's Time Machine |
fnaify-extralibs | | Additional libraries for running games with fnaify |
fnord | | Small HTTP server |
fnteditfs | | Small, simple font editor, designed for editing console fonts |
fogleman-craft | | Simple Minecraft clone written in C |
folly | | Open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook |
fontaine | | CLI utility to display font meta information |
fonttosfnt | | Modular X.org fonttosfnt utility |
foot | | Terminal for Wayland |
forgejo | | Git hosting software |
fossil1 | | High-reliability, distributed software configuration management (v1) |
fox | | Fast and extensive C++ GUI toolkit |
foxtrotgps | | GPS application |
fpc | | Pascal compiler |
fprobe | | Collect network traffic data and emit it as NetFlow flows |
fractal | | Matrix group messaging app |
fragrouter | | Tool for testing network IDS implementations |
FreeBASIC | | A free BASIC compiler |
freebsd-svn | | Subversion with FreeBSD commit template |
freecad | | General purpose parametric 3D CAD modeler |
freecell | | Console version of the solitaire game Freecell |
freedict-tools-xsl | | XSL files from FreeDict tools |
freedup | | Free disk space by hard linking duplicate files |
freedup16 | | Free disk space by hard linking duplicate files |
freefem++ | | PDE oriented language using Finite Element Method |
freefilesync | | Folder comparison and synchronization software |
freegish-git | | Free version of the game Gish |
freej | | Instrument for realtime video manipulation |
freem | | Implementation of the MUMPS programming language and database |
freeserf | | Settlers 1 (Serf City: Life is Feudal) clone |
freeswitch-core | | FreeSwitch SoftSwitch |
freeswitch-music | | FreeSwitch Music - All Bitrates |
freesynd | | GPLed reimplementation of the engine for the game Syndicate |
freetalk | | Console based Jabber client |
freetds | | Implementation of TDS protocol used by Sybase and MS-SQL servers |
freevrrpd | | BSD licensed implementation of the VRRP protocol (V2 and V3) |
fribid | | FriBID is a web browser plugin for BankID |
fricas-svn | | FriCAS is a fork of the Axiom computer algebra system |
mk | | Subfolder |