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fcft Simple library for font loading and glyph rasterization
fcitx5-cskk SKK input method plugin for fcitx5 that uses LibCSKK
fdm_materials FDM Material database
feathercoin Open source Internet currency
felt Free system for introductory level finite element analysis
festvox-awb Scottish English male voice for the festival speech synthesis system
festvox-bdl US English male voice for the festival speech synthesis system
festvox-clb US English female voice for the festival speech synthesis system
festvox-em Polish voice for the festival speech synthesis system
festvox-hl Welsh voice for the festival speech synthesis system
festvox-jmk Canadian English male voice for the festival speech synthesis system
festvox-ks Polish voice for the festival speech synthesis system
festvox-mv Finnish voice for the festival speech synthesis system
festvox-rms US English male voice for the festival speech synthesis system
festvox-slt US English female voice for the festival speech synthesis system
festvox-tp Croatian male voice for the festival speech synthesis system
fetchmail Batch mail retrieval/forwarding utility for pop2, pop3, apop, imap
feynedit Tool for drawing Feynman diagrams
feynhiggs Fortran code for the diagrammatic calculation of the masses
ffmpeg-git Decoding, encoding and streaming software
fftjet Multiresolution jet reconstruction in the Fourier domain
fftw-mpich Collection of fast C routines to compute DFTs
ffxvid Small script to encode to Xvid video
fiche Command line pastebin for sharing terminal output
fidocrypt-git U2F/FIDO-based key derivation and encapsulation
filepp Generic file preprocessor
filerunner Filemanager with FTP capabilities. Uses Tcl/Tk
filevercmp Filevercmp function as in sort --version-sort
fim Lightweight universal image viewer
findugendev Command line tool to find the right /dev/ugenN.EE from USB device info
firebird SQL database, opensource version of InterBase
fireflysung-ttf AR PL New Sung TrueType fonts by Firefly
firefox-hg Web browser with support for extensions (version 61)
firefox-wrapper Firefox binary wrapper
firefox102 Web browser with support for extensions (version 102ESR)
firehose Super fast throughput over cheap ethernet
fl_logbook FLTK-based amateur radio log book
flag Frontend/wrapper for pkgsrc
flam3-svn Cosmic Recursive Fractal Flames
flameshot Powerful yet simple to use screenshot software
flang Fortran compiler targeting LLVM
flasm Flasm is a assembler/disassembler of Flash ActionScript bytecode
fldiff Graphical diff program
flexdock Swing windowing and docking framework
flexdump Flexible backup tool
FLIF Free Lossless Image Format
FLIF-git Free Lossless Image Format
flim Emacs lisp library for message representation/encoding
flimp Generic GUI for image manipulation
flimsel Fast Light Image Selector
flint Fast Library for Number Theory
flintqs Program using quadratic sieve to factor integers
flite2 Small and fast run-time synthesis engine
flnews-devel Fast and lightweight USENET newsreader with GUI
flowblade Multitrack non-linear video editor
flpsed Postscript and PDF annotator
fltk11 Fast Light Tool Kit for graphical user interfaces (old 1.1 branch)
fltk2 Fast Light Tool Kit for graphical user interfaces
flux2 Continuous delivery solution for Kubernetes
fluxspace Fluxbox workspace manager, environment
flvmeta Metadata injector for FLV video files
flwm The Fast, Light Window Manager
flyback Backup software inspired by Apple's Time Machine
fnaify-extralibs Additional libraries for running games with fnaify
fnord Small HTTP server
fnteditfs Small, simple font editor, designed for editing console fonts
fogleman-craft Simple Minecraft clone written in C
folly Open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook
fontaine CLI utility to display font meta information
fonttosfnt Modular fonttosfnt utility
foot Terminal for Wayland
forgejo Git hosting software
fossil1 High-reliability, distributed software configuration management (v1)
fox Fast and extensive C++ GUI toolkit
foxtrotgps GPS application
fpc Pascal compiler
fprobe Collect network traffic data and emit it as NetFlow flows
fractal Matrix group messaging app
fragrouter Tool for testing network IDS implementations
FreeBASIC A free BASIC compiler
freebsd-svn Subversion with FreeBSD commit template
freecad General purpose parametric 3D CAD modeler
freecell Console version of the solitaire game Freecell
freedict-tools-xsl XSL files from FreeDict tools
freedup Free disk space by hard linking duplicate files
freedup16 Free disk space by hard linking duplicate files
freefem++ PDE oriented language using Finite Element Method
freefilesync Folder comparison and synchronization software
freegish-git Free version of the game Gish
freej Instrument for realtime video manipulation
freem Implementation of the MUMPS programming language and database
freeserf Settlers 1 (Serf City: Life is Feudal) clone
freeswitch-core FreeSwitch SoftSwitch
freeswitch-music FreeSwitch Music - All Bitrates
freesynd GPLed reimplementation of the engine for the game Syndicate
freetalk Console based Jabber client
freetds Implementation of TDS protocol used by Sybase and MS-SQL servers
freevrrpd BSD licensed implementation of the VRRP protocol (V2 and V3)
fribid FriBID is a web browser plugin for BankID
fricas-svn FriCAS is a fork of the Axiom computer algebra system
mk Subfolder